Monday 30 December 2013

As the Kite flies through the sky, its tail drags behind it. This creates a certain direction and stability to the kite, and is totally necessary for its flight into the unknown sky. 

As we leave behind one year and move into a new year, we are moving forward just like that kite… the year behind us, trailing in the background… its triumphs and tragedies, successes and lessons learned, the people and events that have shaped our history… they still affect us as we move forward. 

However, even though we do not simply leave the past behind, what has happened in the past is in the past, and cannot be changed... the only thing that we can change about our past is the way think and feel about it. May we be at peace with our past and forgive others and ourselves with whatever has happened there.... and even though our history creates a certain direction and predictability in our lives, we move into an unknown future and anything can happen…. 

... but this is the joy of flight… the thrill of living. 

May your journey ahead create a unique joyous challenge for the tail that follows it. Have a great year. God Bless. 

Sunday 29 December 2013

The First step in Creative Expression.

Every creative expression originates from our inner world… our mind, thoughts, feelings. We take from the experiences and teachings that lodge somehow in our soul, mix them up and re-express them in our own way and make our mark on the world. This is why it is so important to fill our hearts and minds with healthy and wholesome, pure and energising things. This is always the first step I take in any creative process. Have you taken the time today to fill your mind with goodness? Peace.

This Picture my daughter did says it well.

Friday 27 December 2013

Hi everyone...

I'm Brian Maunder, author and illustrator of the new picture book "Polly's Little Kite" due to be released by NewCityPress in January 2014.

This site will be about the journey of the creation of my story "Polly's Little Kite", how I created it, how I found a publisher, some of the adventures I have had on the way and some things about me. I hope you find it fun and interesting and will see you again soon.

Peace be with you all.
