Tuesday, 14 January 2014

Hi Guys.... 

Here's a new YouTube I have just completed. It's called... Dot to Dots - Awesome for Autism... 

I made this, not only as a promo for my book.. but because I have found dot-to-dots amazingly effective for kids with special needs... however... many think that kids are "beyond" dot to dots and see these puzzles as something elementary, and possibly not appropriate as they are too basic.

Well, that all depends on how far you take them... This video hopefully shows that with a little creativity, students can find amazing success and enjoyment from these fantastic puzzles. 

Monday, 13 January 2014

A Few Crazy Comics from the Archives.

A Few from the Archives.

...for the hairdressers or those with hair

....for the evangelicals 

...and for the unscrupulous.
(The dudes face in the bottom left frame
on the left always cracks me up for some reason)

A Strange Hallelujah... a tale of something ridiculous

Something strange happened to me whilst praying at church the other day. 

After a time of inspirational singing, the congregation was led into a time of quiet prayer. I was in a place of tranquil reflection when all of a sudden… 

“Hallelujah”… Someone exclaimed from the congregation.

“Amen” I silently prayed.

Then again, with more intensity. “Hallelujah”

“Ah yes. God is good” I quietly agreed. I started thinking that someone in the congregation was about to erupt in spontaneous praise when…

“Hallelujah, HALLELUJAH” …a heavenly eruption.

“Hang on a minute” I thought. I leant over and asked my wife. “Was that a sneeze I heard just then, or a hallelujah?”

“It was a sneeze” she replied.

“Oh” I said, suddenly feeling very ridiculous.
“Did he use a hanky?” I asked.
“I think so”

Sunday, 12 January 2014

What happens when you use the wrong font.

I had this crazy idea for a cartoon at church the other day... so... I decided to draw it up. ..
... no computer graphics. . Just watercolour and pencil... took a photo of it with the phone. .. Then uploaded it via phone... good thing I had a phone.  

Wednesday, 1 January 2014

The wonder of Abstract Art.

Following on from my earlier blog about the necessity of filling our hearts and mind with wholesome and pure things, I wonder about the way and direction of “art” in this modern era. Recently I attended an “art”exhibition, from artists displaying their creations funded by government grants. I must say that I was stunned and bored at the perversity and lewdness of it all; to me a reflection of the direction of mass media and the sexualisation of everything. It seems that all artists are doing these days are taking the two extremes of holiness and perversity (or other topics… say veganism and meat eating) and merge them together to make a shock statement. What are they saying exactly? Well, often it’s up to us, the interpreters of the image or form and the mental dialogue that occurs in our mind as we apprehend what it is.

I have always loved art… majoring in Surrealist art in my final year of school gaining a High Degree of Mastery.  I also love Abstract Art… and it is because of Abstract Art that the idea of “Polly’s Little Kite” seeded in my mind. I’ll talk about that in another post…

The thing about abstract art, is that we see in the expression, what we think we see, not what the artist is trying to express. If our minds and hearts are full of healthy, wholesome and pure things, then it is more likely that what we see in abstract art will be a reflection of those beautiful things. If our minds are full of other things, well, that’s the art we will see. Peace.

(Here are some pics of me with some abstract creations I did a few years ago).